The Club invites anybody interested in joining the Club, to come along and see what the Club has to offer. Visitors are welcome to attend two meetings FREE before deciding to participate as a member.
The annual fee for a single membership is $80 and $150 for a couple.
What is included in your membership:
- Access to Club workshops and award-winning guest speakers
- Entry to Club exhibitions to receive feedback from a qualified judge
- Entry to Club Competitions
- Access to the fortnightly gathering and “Coffee Collaboration.”
- Use of the Club’s Colour Monitor calibrator.
- Melville Photography Club is affiliated with the Western Australia Photographic Federation (WAPF) which 40 other clubs are affiliated with over 1200 members
- Refreshments
- Access to over 40 other members and their experience and knowledge
Members must be financial in order to enter any club competition.
Fees can be paid either to the treasurer at the meeting or by direct debit to:
Melville Photography Club BSB: 016 267 Acc No. 451 670 863
(Please include your name with payment)